Friday, June 22, 2007

The Too-Comfortable Zone..Fight The Urge To " Let Urself Go Once You Are a Part Of A Couple "

Cozy in Love

It's a big milestone in any new relationship: entering the Comfort Zone. You're there the first time you two rent a movie in sweats instead of dolling up for dinner, when you do something silent and separate (like work you've brought home) together, when -- perhaps most romantic of all -- you both errand. No, really: that's when you truly start to feel cozy and couple-y. When he's seen you without makeup in your avocado masque, without your contacts, you know you're in A Relationship. So, paradoxically, it's "exciting" to be boring.

But not forever. Spouses and long-term partners do have a tendency to "let themselves go" over time. Cozy can become routine, sweats can become unsexy...........Contd on the Link Below..

Wana Read More Follow The Link ...

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